Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Third grade- Curriculum content standards - CA

Visual and Performing Arts: Visual Arts Content Standards.
Processing, Analyzing, and Responding to Sensory Information Through the Language and Skills Unique to the Visual Arts
Students perceive and respond to works of art, objects in nature, events, and the environment. They also use the vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations.
Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual Arts Vocabulary
1.1 Perceive and describe rhythm and movement in works of art and in the environment.
1.2 Describe how artists use tints and shades in painting.
1.3 Identify and describe how foreground, middle ground, and background are used to create the illusion of space.
1.4 Compare and contrast two works of art made by the use of different art tools and media (e.g., watercolor, tempera, computer).
Analyze Art Elements and Principles of Design
1.5 Identify and describe elements of art in works of art, emphasizing line, color, shape/form, texture, space, and value.
Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Visual Arts
Students apply artistic processes and skills, using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original works of art.
Skills, Processes, Materials, and Tools
2.1 Explore ideas for art in a personal sketchbook.
2.2 Mix and apply tempera paints to create tints, shades, and neutral colors.
Communication and Expression Through Original Works of Art
2.3 Paint or draw a landscape, seascape, or cityscape that shows the illusion of space.
2.4 Create a work of art based on the observation of objects and scenes in daily life, emphasizing value changes.
2.5 Create an imaginative clay sculpture based on an organic form.
2.6 Create an original work of art emphasizing rhythm and movement, using a selected printing process.
Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural Dimensions of the Visual Arts
Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to the visual arts and artists.
Role and Development of the Visual Arts
3.1 Compare and describe various works of art that have a similar theme and were created at different time periods.
3.2 Identify artists from his or her own community, county, or state and discuss local or regional art traditions.
3.3 Distinguish and describe representational, abstract, and nonrepresentational works of art.
Diversity of the Visual Arts
3.4 Identify and describe objects of art from different parts of the world observed in visits to a museum or gallery (e.g., puppets, masks, containers).
3.5 Write about a work of art that reflects a student's own cultural background.
Responding to, Analyzing, and Making Judgments About Works in the Visual Arts
Students analyze, assess, and derive meaning from works of art, including their own, according to the elements of art, the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities.
Derive Meaning
4.1 Compare and contrast selected works of art and describe them, using appropriate vocabulary of art.
Make Informed Judgments
4.2 Identify successful and less successful compositional and expressive qualities of their own works of art and describe what might be done to improve them.
4.3 Select an artist's work and, using appropriate vocabulary of art, explain its successful compositional and communicative qualities.
Connecting and Applying What Is Learned in the Visual Arts to Other Art Forms and Subject Areas and to Careers
Students apply what they learn in the visual arts across subject areas. They develop competencies and creative skills in problem solving, communication, and management of time and resources that contribute to lifelong learning and career skills. They also learn about careers in and related to the visual arts.
Connections and Applications
5.1 Describe how costumes contribute to the meaning of a dance.
5.2 Write a poem or story inspired by their own works of art.
Visual Literacy
5.3 Look at images in figurative works of art and predict what might happen next, telling what clues in the work support their ideas.
Careers and Career-Related Skills
5.4 Describe how artists (e.g., architects, book illustrators, muralists, industrial designers) have affected people's lives.

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